Monday, January 22, 2018

Hello !!

This week Elder Braily and I went on exchanges ! (haha I have been on 3 with him and we get to talk to them like everyday our Zone leaders are awesome) any ways we were in there area and we were doing everything that we had planned but We got lost driving like a lot We were in their area and I have N idea were I am heading and all he know is the are going to turn on ... blank street .... so I am just driving and Driving and talking and talked and we would miss out streets that we needed to turn down so we ended up going 2X the amount of Kilometers that we have a day... Elder Abadicio and I were wonder how we would be able to save enough K so we decided we would just do our every best to stay under our amount for the month. . . Then I got sick and Sister Wise (out heath person) said We were not a lound to leave the apartment that day. . . I HATE being sick...I am all better now!

 Oh while Elder Abadicio and Magelby were on their exchanges they went to a lesson that we had set up and now we have a family of 8 that wants to come to church this Next Sunday ! and we have a return appointment and also 2 of the kids names are sunshine (she is 18) and Sunset (he is 16) they both have Baptism dates for the 27 of January ! so that is going to be exciting !

 The weather is suppose warm this week (it fells like) it is just colder then sweater weather but we still dont have to be wearing hats or Gloves right now !!

 Thanks for all the Love and Support

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Went for a Run One Morning