Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Flin Flon ???

well on friday night we got a call for the assistance telling me I would be moving to Flin Flon and I would be leaving monday morning (that is why I am emailing of tuesday ) 

Flin Flon supposed to be 8 hour drive if you dont have any stops for gas or anything just a start 8 hours so what a good way to get to know your new Comp. Elder Craven is his name (sorry for the Reference if you don't know him) he is just like Brayden ! it is so funny how close like walking around the apartment I have almost called him Brayden haha.

He is really cool and fun to talk to!

so any ways bake to my story we left to Flin Flon at 10:30 am and came in at 7:30. we stopped this place called The Pas to have a lesson (it fell through but still) we were go forever...

So the reason I was moved up here is because Elder Cravens Comp was in a minnie mission so he had to go to the MTC now so I moved up... So when Elder Sim got on the plane to leave ummm he took the car keys, church keys and the apartment keys with him. . .  All the way home... so we needed to get spare keys for everything haha we are all fine now thought !


Back in the London ward we had  Colby and his Brother L:es came to Church !! I am so excited for them. They both have baptism dates for the 24 of march !! and Colby has been coming to church and going to all the youth activitys for the past 2 weeks... He even went to a planning day were they were going to plan all the activitys of the year !! so we are really excited to see him baptised !

Thanks for all the Love and support !  
Oh and just FYI I cut my own hair for the first time. It may have taken me almost 1 1/2 hours but yeah 👍

Monday, February 19, 2018

Hey All

sorry about this email... I just finished it and about to hit send then it deleted it alll!!!!!!!!! This week felt like we were busy all the time... It snowed and we decided to go and move some snow for some people... so we picked a street and were just working our way down.. We can to one house and were doing her drive way and she pocked her head out of the door and said I dont have any money... " That ok we are just going around helping people by serving people. She thanked us and went back inside. 20 min latter she came out of her house and walked down the street to come and talk with us. " you to made me cry, I was having a hard time this morning and to see people like you going around helping has just made my day. I dont have any money for you but Will you take this candy bars? We were able to talk with her about the church she said she did not have faith in Jesus Christ but was happy and grateful for what we were doing as missionary's for our church.

 This week also we were trying to meet with an investigator named Heather. so we called her and she said how happy we called her.. she gave the phone to her son Colby, we talked with him for 10 min on the phone. and then set up a time to come visit with him. we were able to teach him the Gospel of Jesus Christ and invited him to be baptized he was so happy to know that all that he has ever done wrong and be forgive by our Heavenly father. He also came to church this Sunday ! (He is 15 years old) so he went with the youth and he liked.. we were talking with him after church and he said can I come here every week ?? so that is exciting to see someone who is so willing and ready to change his life... Sorry my time is up now but Thanks

Monday, February 12, 2018

So This last week one of our zone leaders became the new AP so he had to leave Monday night to be this the assistance to get all up to date on transfers and just being the new AP so we have been in a tripan for a couple of days. Which was fun!

 This week we were able to meet with a laddie named Sarah and her 2 little kids and we were able talk about the Restoration of the Gospel and she seemed to just get happier and happier... when we were telling her where the Church is and her Mother in Law goes to the Church !! (she has not seen her for over 6 years) so we are really hopping that we will be able to help them come to Church !!

 Also this week we had a turn over lesson with the YSA for one of our investigators named Trevon... Sooo I was able to teach a lesson with Elder Jensen so that was cool... the lesson went really well all the way until we were about to say the prayer until Trevons Grandpa came come and told us we needed to get out of his house... Sooo we will see how everything with Trevon goes on latter... 

Thanks for all the love and support !
Look how FLAT Winnipeg is !!

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Driving Problems

Well This week was good. We were able to set a baptism date with a lady named Heather and we were really excited to see her come to church because we call on Saturday and she answered the phone and we said it was the missionaries and she said "its not Sunday yet why are you calling me now ??" so we through she would be coming to church... No she did not but hey that is ok we are still going to be working with here...

 Also this week we went out of the city for a member to feed us... and as we were going there Elder Abadicio had the map and fell a sleep so we got lost then we found out where we were then I just missed our turn so we had to turn around. and there was a truck behind us so I through " I will just pull off to the side of the road and let him pass....

 Well the snow here his high so when I went to pull off I could not tell that it was a ditch soooooo we got stuck in the ditch on the side of the Road... lucky for us they guy behind us pulled us out...
The ice here is CRAZY!!

Sunday, February 4, 2018


Week was a good week the weather seemed to be warm I guess you could say still in that sweater weather kinda weather... So this week Elder Abadicio and I had a pass along card Comp where who ever passed then most cards out the other would have to buy him some meet balls haha for 7 11 gas station haha (they are really good ! not going to lie ) But we tied so we just both get our own...

 This week we were able to teach 2 new people one her name is Erica who I open to here our message... but does not want any real commitments... The other man his name is Ryan and with Ryan he has studied a LOT of diffident Churches and a lot of different believes. so for him it took us 2 hours to get through the restoration because he had so many questions... It was so cool because he would ask these questions and I would have NO idea where to fined the answer in the scriptures. But just in that moment the scripture would come to Elder abadicios and my minds... I would not no the reference but I would be able to what In the Scripture said... So that was really cool...

 Neither of them have a baptism date but they want us to come back ! so We will see what happens ! 

Oh other 2 dates sunshine and sunset... Well they just are not ready yet to revive the Gospel at this time in their life's...

 oh and here are some photos... I am not to good at taking photos haha

Went for a Run One Morning