Monday, May 7, 2018


This week was good, we did not do very much teaching of New investigators but we did teach Ron (visit) everyday. and This saturday He was baptised. Ron is 68 years old and just a sweet guy and He is just so happy he is baptised He told everyone at his baptism. He said "in 68 years I have never been dunked before, but today is the day" and I was just awesome!

 Elder sim did the baptising and I did the Gift of the Holy Ghost. which was awesome. during fast and Testimony meeting Ron got up and Gave his testimony also and he just thanked Everyone in the Branch for all the support and Love he has here, "I will come every week, as long as I can get a ride" it was support exciting.

 That was most of our week it feels like (all the days kinda blend together haha)

 just know, We have a we have a Loving Heavenly father John 3:16 16 ¶ For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

 We need Jesus Christ in our life! (He is Here fined him!)

 Fined Jesus in your life!

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Went for a Run One Morning