Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Wow sorry for so short of an email last week... I don't think it was a funny email until I reread it haha I guess that happens.

 Well to start off we have been working with this laddie who is already a member of the Church she just has not been coming because she feels like she does really fit in... Well any ways when we showed up was was standing in the parking lot just waiting and I to go in. I walk up with NOT really using a filter I just say Donna I love to see your face.🤔 Yeah that was Kinda awkward But Yeah, that all ok! I am used to feeling awkward haha.

 This week involved LOTS of driving. So we went to Brandon to do Exchanges. (8 hours of Driving) I went with Elder Covington (who I think is Going to be an AP really soon) But He is awesome. Something cool was I got to do a Baptismal interview. But is was not a Normal one.

 As Elder Covington was driving me to the house so we could be there for when the bishop picked her up to go to church. We were driving down the street and I said Elder Covington I have been here before.. I continued I feel like I have tracked this before. "Elder Covington said Elder Wade you and Elder Darly are the ones who found Shelly"

 Wow so that just kinda cool, I never taught her I was just there she said we could comeback haha.

 While we were at the Church for the interview the New mission showed up! so we gotta talk to him for a while.

 after the Exchanges We drive to Winnipeg the Next day for a zone conference and (it was 2 1/2 hour drive)

 that was awsome.

 then we drove to Dauphin to just stay the night (3 1/2 hours) then from Dauphin to Flin Flon (which was 5 1/2 hours)

 So the total a mouth of hours was 19 1/2 hours over 4 days... haha oh and Elder Adaujo can not drive so I did all the Diving. so that was fun

 well this week was good thanks for all the Prayers!

 Moroni 10:32 Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God.

 I had soooooo much fun taking selfies with all these ducks!! Haha

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Went for a Run One Morning