Monday, August 13, 2018

Well this week was Good. Elder Mills was sick for a couple of days so we were inside for those days. so Yesterday it Got to 40C with out humility. it was a WARM WARM day. it Turned out ok because we had Church someone Feed us and then we went to the Hospital so we were not out side a hole lot. (which also stinks because we are having a hard time Finding people that are willing and wanting to hear the Message about Jesus Christ. Most the People we talk to say "I know about Jesus Christ, I am Muslim. I am not interested in your Book, Thank you." 

We talk to a lot of different types of people. some people have lived here for 5 years and still don't know English so we just give them cards and tell then to change the Language. (well I think they understand that haha) 

this Sunday we went to the Primary so that we could so we could teach the Song I Hope they call me on a Mission so that was good (they are all better singers then Elder Mills and I. We tool a Video of the 2 of us singing and we just laughed the hole time) 

Something that I am trying to Focus on in the Book of Mormon. Such as Memorizing where scriptures are so as we are street contacting we can share those so people can see what the Book of Mormon teaches. (I have done that before I just got really lazy with my Memorizing so I stopped making flash cards. also because the flash cards take so long to make and I always seem to have a lot then give them away to another missionary) 

The Book of Mormon Is awesome!! I have been reading in Alma with the War Chapters and I love them! we can learn so much such as Satan will poison us be Degrees  or we need to be continually fortifying our weakest areas (our temptations) and making week things become strong! 

I know that to be true that the Lord can help us make our weak things become strong! I have seen this in my own life back at home but also learning to be a missionary.

Remember to Trust the Savior and His timing!

From Elder Wade 

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Went for a Run One Morning