Monday, November 20, 2017


Thanks so much for all the Prayers This week I could really feel a difference and I think it is because of prayers. I love the song Did you Think to Pray in it it says Prayer will change the night to day I know that it really does. . . The hardest part about praying is getting the answer and be willing to be happy with what ever answer we get and for me getting the NO to my prayer is hard but I know that our Heavenly Father is there and wants to help us. . . Even when He says NO to something does not mean he is not going to help you with what you are struguling with it just means Our Heavenly Father wants us to grow and gain and in strengthening our Testimony.

 This week I found 2 new investigators !! and 6 others that are not investigators but we have return appointments !!

 We did not do much this week other then finding (not much funny storys) I love telling my funny story but when you don't have any...

 ok well I kinda got one We were talking to the bishop (he is a really funny man) be he and his family were feeding us dinner and they were asking us what we missed out the states and what I said was cheep Cheese like a block of cheese here is like $12 and so we all laugh about it.

 So a week latter we were sitting in ward council and the bishop was 5 min late so we started with out him when he walked in there was a stop of the conversation waiting for him to sit down out of nowhere this block of cheese comes flying through the air and nails me in the chest because (I had stuff in my hands haha) well I think the bishop likes me. . .

 This week was good I know that the Lord is there for each and everyone of us and wants to help us through our hard times but he also want us to grow. . .We are all like baby chickens we need to out of our shells but our self or we will never make it through this hard life. . . We need our testimony's of the Love our Savior has for us in this same way. . . We need to Want it we need to Desire it we need to Work and it and be willing to follow the Lord more closely then ever before so we can make it though this hard life...

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Went for a Run One Morning