Monday, November 6, 2017


Man oh man the weather took a hard turn this week one foot of Snow !! and ( the roads up here are so bad because in UT there are snow plows all the time) no not her In Canada they just smash down the snow so everyone is just driving on ice all the time ! like what the heck even the side walks out side of the Hospital are just smashed down ( that is were people that are hurt talk ) so that is just Crazy to me.

 This week we had 3 lessons planned for Saturday !! Oh dang they all told us no not today come back another time. which is sad but ok what can we do about it ?? Free against (spelling ??)

 So we have had 1 lesson this week ! and the spirit was SO SO strong as I was giving my Testimony about the book of Mormon and How it has helped me in my life. Everyone in the room as crying ( not becuase of what I said) just because the spirit was Testifying of the Trustfulness of the Book of Mormon and How it really Can and will improve people lives.

 I can PROMISE that if we put the Lord First in out life by reading out of the Book Of Mormon Everyday no madder what (even if we have 1 our to study for a test if you spend 5 min in the Book Of Mormon everyday the Lord will Bess you and Help bring to your memory the things you have learned and you will be helped by The Lord.

 This week was slow only because not a lot of lessons (as I said) but we(sorry I had) have a lot of fun with the snow and being able to drive and do a little bit of Driffting in the Church parking lot before like Distinct meeting (just trying to stay my self) the TEWE (spelling?) in the car does not catch it when we drift in the snow haha. .. we are still working hard just trying not to be robots in our day to day lives !!

 thanks for all the Prayers and the love !!

 It meens a looooootttttt thanks again

From Elder Wade

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Went for a Run One Morning