Sunday, September 2, 2018

So this week was good. I cant believe that next week is transfer email week?!?!? crazy Elder Mills and I both think we are staying here.

 So Elder Mills and I have been talking to EVERYONE so this week we decided that we were going to do chalk art!! so that was fun we drew out the Plan of Salvation (well Elder Mills and I are not really good at Drawing) but that is ok!

 It has been really smoky here because of fires this week.

 So this week has been full of Different languages Spanish Samoan and Bengali.

 Teaching a English class the Family I was teaching they speak Bengali and they went really fast though the work sheet so I got another and again they were done before other Groups were finished so I told them They will read it in English (to practice) then they will teach me how to say it in Bengali and I will practice that... lets just say I am NOT going to be learning Bengali haha

Monday, August 20, 2018

The Prophet

Well the Prophet came to Winnipeg! He and Elder Anderson came. Elder Anderson's talk was on the Gathering of Israel "this is the Most important work you can be doing right now". He was NOT just talking to the missionaries, this is ALL of our work! that includes Going to the Temple and helping the people on the other side, inviting people to follow Jesus Christ and His church here on earth.

 President Nelson talked about the Temple. (the Winnipeg temple is Just starting to be built) we can bring a temple to you but you have to be prepared to receive the temple. Everyone who spoke was great! I am grateful I was able to get transferred back to Winnipeg because ONLY the missionaries in Winnipeg got to go!

 This week was good we have been working on talking to EVERYONE like everyone. We were driving down the street and there was a Guy walking so we drove past him got out of the Car so that we could talk to Him. We are continuing to pray and ask for the Lords Help to lead us to the People who are Prepared and ready to here the Message. Tell you the Truth sometimes I feel like He is leading us the the who are NOT prepared.

 Now why would this be? we are doing our best, Lord why dont you give us someone to teach? that has been on my mined and I know that The Lord is leading us to people. but He is Just seeing if we are willing to put in our effort and Time and our FAITH that He is preparing the people hear.

 I am so grateful to be on a Mission and being able to learn to Reply on the Lord for help. I know that He loves us and wants the Best for us that is Why he gives us tries!

 From Elder Wade

Monday, August 13, 2018

Well this week was Good. Elder Mills was sick for a couple of days so we were inside for those days. so Yesterday it Got to 40C with out humility. it was a WARM WARM day. it Turned out ok because we had Church someone Feed us and then we went to the Hospital so we were not out side a hole lot. (which also stinks because we are having a hard time Finding people that are willing and wanting to hear the Message about Jesus Christ. Most the People we talk to say "I know about Jesus Christ, I am Muslim. I am not interested in your Book, Thank you." 

We talk to a lot of different types of people. some people have lived here for 5 years and still don't know English so we just give them cards and tell then to change the Language. (well I think they understand that haha) 

this Sunday we went to the Primary so that we could so we could teach the Song I Hope they call me on a Mission so that was good (they are all better singers then Elder Mills and I. We tool a Video of the 2 of us singing and we just laughed the hole time) 

Something that I am trying to Focus on in the Book of Mormon. Such as Memorizing where scriptures are so as we are street contacting we can share those so people can see what the Book of Mormon teaches. (I have done that before I just got really lazy with my Memorizing so I stopped making flash cards. also because the flash cards take so long to make and I always seem to have a lot then give them away to another missionary) 

The Book of Mormon Is awesome!! I have been reading in Alma with the War Chapters and I love them! we can learn so much such as Satan will poison us be Degrees  or we need to be continually fortifying our weakest areas (our temptations) and making week things become strong! 

I know that to be true that the Lord can help us make our weak things become strong! I have seen this in my own life back at home but also learning to be a missionary.

Remember to Trust the Savior and His timing!

From Elder Wade 

Tuesday, August 7, 2018


So this week was Crazy!! it was fun we are working HARD to find someone to teach!! we are doing our best.

 So this week Elder Mills and I were tracing about 15 -20 min walk away from the Church... We could see that it was going to rain... well we thought that it was just kinda sprinkle on us and we would be ok... we were SOOO wrong it just starts Dumping on us... No members near by or even an investigator who we could hope to get into there house, so we start or Run to the Church. thought the Grass (now mud)

 oh man I forgot how out of shape I was in haha we were running as fast as we could for like 5 min but still we got just soaked .. so that was funny.

 Elder Mills is awesome! we love to do lots of the same things back home. but the best part is we teach with the same stile of teaching so I feel we work well off each other.

 So my first week we talk to this family on the street. they just move from China so they could not speak English very well. so we told them that we teach a English Class on Saturdays and we gave them a card and the address to the Church with our phone number on it (because they were new here and did not know their address or their phone number)

 well I Gave then the Wrong phone number :( I though that I had it memorized but it was just a little bit off... anyways they came to English class!!

 Then we invited them to church the next day.... They thought we invited them to another English Class on sunday haha so they came and they were so confused...``Elders, where is English Class`` there is not English class today. oh ok we will be back on Saturday haha

 anyways I am doing good!

 Remember to Love the Savior today!
(Elder Mills) hey Elder Wade can you crack some eggs for the Waffles? Sure 

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Jesus The Christ

Hello! i am in Winnipeg Now. oh man Flin Flon to winnipeg is... ummm Crazy haha there is a ward not just 15 people haha. Dalhousie is awesome the people are are great. and my Comp. Elder Mills is awesome! we get a long really well. we have the same stile of teaching so I makes the lessons flow really well. Also as we are doing finding we have been able to find lots of people that are interested! (just potentials) but lots of people.

 So most the people we talk to here in Winnipeg are Muslim or No faith in God. It is so cool to be able to teach people that there is MORE to life, there is a purpose for you here on earth, you are a Child of God and He LOVES you.

 The best part is I know That to be True! I know I am loved so much. God have his Only Begotten Son to Live, suffer and Die so I, personal can one day Come to Live with my Father in Heaven.

 I am so grateful for Jesus Christ. He not only suffered for my sins he suffered to MY sufferings (Alma 7:11-12 or Mosiah 3:7) Something that I have studied and have really Grown to love is The Living Christ that has help me so much. " God be thanked for the matchless gift of His divine Son."

 The Book of Mormon teaches so clearly How much we NEED Jesus Christ in our life. a Chapter I would Recommend reading is 2Nephi 2:6-7 (or the hole Chapter:)
well to start off transfers are this week... I am going Back to Winnipeg!! that is Crazy because there is only 5 areas in winnipeg elders and go. I get to be in 2! Shout out to Elder Jensen for doing the same! haha it like we are cousins or something haha.

 I am going to the Dalhousie Ward with Elder Mills (he came out with me) I am excited. Elder Adaujo my comp now just came FROM Dalhousie so I feel like I already know all the Members because he is telling me all about them haha!

 So this week has been Full of crazy people... I have been asked on a couple of dates (of course I said no) people Holding my arm and people who think we are crazy for going on missions. Lets just say I am grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not only the teaching of the scriptures but small things I overlook. This week I did a study of the For strength of youth. Everything in that phalfit I am able to see first had effects of Not living these standers. Often my heart ache for these people, wanting and longing to help them Change their life for the better.

 Many people will tell us "I am born with this awful cruise" (growing up in not good families) and dont think they can be any different. 2 Nephi 28:32 says "Wo be unto the Gentiles, saith the Lord God of Hosts! For Notwithsanding I shall lengthen out mine arm unto them from day to day, they will deny me, nevertheless, I will be merciful unto them saith the Lord God if they will repent and come unto me, for mine are is lengthened out all the day long saith the Lord God of Hosts.

 I know that to be true. We can always find a way out, It does not mean it will be easy but it will be possible.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Well this week just kinda flew by... I dont really know what we did haha No I remember.

 Elder Sim and I Street contacted into a named Arthur so that was like Weeks ago.. we Elder Adaujo and I have been teaching him and his Girlfriend! which is awesome! they both really want to change their life around. (one awesome part about the gospel is that it will do that to people, as we turn to Christ we will just Want to be better people)

 Thy needed a ride to Church this sunday... and well we could not find anyone... so what we did was Pray, we were in the street and We said ok they need to get to church, Heavenly father we are praying for someone to be able to give them a ride. Right after the Prayer we walked over to Arthur's house and told him he had a ride for him. (still not having one) well this sunday He had a ride to Church!! thanks to an awesome member who also was picking up another person (she is a member) and well this member is Arthur's Girlfriends Cousin!! So that was awesome because they Emedantly had a Friend!

 and well that is really all I remember... sorry all the weeks kinda Blend together...

 Hey something I want to talk about it spending Time with family... More I get to meet people here I see people watching the TV and not doing things with the people they Love... John Bytheway in one of his talks he tells a story how he would give up his time watching TV and he used that time and He wrote a book... I am not telling anyone to wright a book what I am saying is watching tv or playing video games you will get nothing out of it. Try spending time with your family. Build STRONGER relationship... If we dont want to spend time with them now, do we want to live with them forever in Heaven ???

 Think about it....

Sorry for that but I hope at least one person chooses to try this...

 From Elder Wade
Mission wide photo

Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Wow sorry for so short of an email last week... I don't think it was a funny email until I reread it haha I guess that happens.

 Well to start off we have been working with this laddie who is already a member of the Church she just has not been coming because she feels like she does really fit in... Well any ways when we showed up was was standing in the parking lot just waiting and I to go in. I walk up with NOT really using a filter I just say Donna I love to see your face.🤔 Yeah that was Kinda awkward But Yeah, that all ok! I am used to feeling awkward haha.

 This week involved LOTS of driving. So we went to Brandon to do Exchanges. (8 hours of Driving) I went with Elder Covington (who I think is Going to be an AP really soon) But He is awesome. Something cool was I got to do a Baptismal interview. But is was not a Normal one.

 As Elder Covington was driving me to the house so we could be there for when the bishop picked her up to go to church. We were driving down the street and I said Elder Covington I have been here before.. I continued I feel like I have tracked this before. "Elder Covington said Elder Wade you and Elder Darly are the ones who found Shelly"

 Wow so that just kinda cool, I never taught her I was just there she said we could comeback haha.

 While we were at the Church for the interview the New mission showed up! so we gotta talk to him for a while.

 after the Exchanges We drive to Winnipeg the Next day for a zone conference and (it was 2 1/2 hour drive)

 that was awsome.

 then we drove to Dauphin to just stay the night (3 1/2 hours) then from Dauphin to Flin Flon (which was 5 1/2 hours)

 So the total a mouth of hours was 19 1/2 hours over 4 days... haha oh and Elder Adaujo can not drive so I did all the Diving. so that was fun

 well this week was good thanks for all the Prayers!

 Moroni 10:32 Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God.

 I had soooooo much fun taking selfies with all these ducks!! Haha

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Well Let me just say Thank you for all the Birthday wishes... I wish I could reply to all but I have more then 20 more people to reply to and I am out of time.

 So also my weekly email will be short also.

 This week was Great. We went over to Thompson it was Great...

 and well I am out of time..

 I will write more next week! Haha the fish photos I think is awesome!

Haha and we go all out on food during exchanges in Thompson! Haha


Well this week was good! We did exchanges week 1 of the transfer and I went with Elder Larson here in Flin Flon! Elder Larson is such a awesome missionary, sad think is he Goes home at the end of this Transfer so 😕. BUT that ok.

 also this week on Tuesday... it was 36 C or 96 F oh is the Hottest I have been in my life it felt like. (i have been in hotter back at home but at home everything has air conditioning and here Not very many places do... no one want to by one so they can only use it for 3 months our of the year... so everyone just has good heaters😉.

 Ok so This morning we went Fishing! it was awesome! the picture with me holding the Smallmouth bass... I did not catch that one Elder Araujo do. (I just did not say that one the photos so for all the people who just look at photos will think that I caught him haha but I did not) But I did catch the Northern Pike and so that was a Lot of fun ( we did use ALL of our daily amount of Miles to get this this fishing spot, good think we have been saving up right!)

 So yesterday we had just turned in indicators for the Week at 6 pm haha but right after that we were able to teach 4 new people! the First two people we were able to just teach about the Book, because they let us in and then He had to go to work in 10 min.

 but then we went and taught someone named Arthur and the other named sky! It was a really cool lesson as we were able to teach and testify of the Restoration they Both talked about How they wanted to change their lives around! It was really awesome!

 Something I just really Love about the Mission is the Spirit!

 Moroni 10:7 says it perfect 7 And ye may know that he is, by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore I would exhort you that ye deny not the power of God; for he worketh by power, according to the faith of the children of men, the same today and tomorrow, and forever.

 God is the same today, tomorrow and forever meaning We will ALWAYS be Loved by Him and His Son Jesus Christ!

Read fun Facts !!

Well this week consisted with some Driving ! 8 hours to winnipeg and then the next Morning 8 hours to Flin Flon! hahaha so something that I had to do (because my comp cant drive) is stay fully awake for 8 hours on just a straight Road... kinda reminds me of Brother bear (the kids move) of the 2 moose "I spy with my little eye, a vertical Log" There is Lots of what looks like the same road... you kinda feel stuck in the road haha.

 ok I got distracted something That I did was buy a BIG bag a carrots and lots of apples and just ate that the hole time.

 Elder Araujo is cool, he speaks really good english, but he does have a accent so there are many times I just look at him "what did you just say" haha no it will be good!

 So this week the Thompson Elders are driving here for exchanges... which kinda stinks because it is week one and I have a comp that is New to the area. which means I have to plan for 2 sets of missionaries on who to visit and all that good stuff. haha I keep saying "I will just have you go tract the hole day" haha

 While we were in Winnipeg Elder Sim and I asked if we could get permissions to sleep over at the YSA apartment (Elder Jensen is there! with Elder Burnett ) so that was a blast ! We went and played basketball in the Morning... WOW I am out of shape... Completely after the second game I needed a break so bad.

 OH fun fact President Russell M. Nelson is going to be coming to winnipeg on August !!

 we drove past this pond and I just had to stop... there was lots of Ducks haha... they all flew away

Time in the Nelson House

So this week we went on exchanges in Thompson, well actually Elder Larson and I went to a Reserve called Nelson house. It was Really cool, everyone there seemed to really like us and we taught 2 Lessons that day!! so that was cool to go from one lesson to another.

 ok I am getting a head of myself. So wednesday before we were going to Drive to Nelson House I had a clear as Day Prompting "Bring your Rain Jacket". I looked out side and it was 23 C or 73 F out side and sunny. so I said I dont need it..... OH was I WRONG.... Elder Larson and I were 45 min already into our drive and Dark rain clouds are coming... FAST... we get there I put on a sweater just to put something one. and we start to do stop bys and the Rain come, and when it came it was raining cats and dogs and anything else it could find (😉 haha). One min I am dry and like 5 min later I am soaked from head to toe, then 5 min later the Rain left.

 I could almost just see the spirit Smiling at me, I told you it was going to Rain. Well I have learned my lesson, about following the promptings of the spirit. . . Funny thing now I am able to understand promptings better now because of this Moment. (I wish I would have listened, then I still would have learned the same lesson but with out having the to be soaked) (life is FULL of chances to learn Remember it is ALWAYS Better to choose the Way of our Heavenly father)

 Ok well today was Transfer Email day.... i will be... Staying in FLIN FLON !! my new comp is From Brazil, His name is Elder Araujo. Funny think was I was the very first Missionary Elder Araujo saw when Here to Canada. and well Probably Just like you I could not pronounce his name... haha... I can now say it...

 So this week is going to be lots of Driving... Drive down to winnipeg on wednesday stay the night, then hopefully drive backup thursday but it all depends when we become compainens... so for instance if we become Comps at like 2 pm we would have to stay the night in winnipeg because we would get home at 10 pm or latter but if we are together at 12 then we will drive back on thursday... well we will have to wait and see!

 i hope all is going well back at home !

 Love Elder Wade!!
I thought people would like to see how big our areas are so yeah
district meeting (a In person one)haha
Elder Larson and I in Nelson House 
Elder Larson and I in Nelson House 
Well this week it was Raining all the time... So last week Elder Sim and I are trying to find ways of finding people who really want to have us over... So we thought we would do a facebook sell thing... so we did and we just said like free books of Mormons and told people to read John 21:25... And someone called us so we were really exciting thinking we got someone that referred themselves YEAHYA !!

 But it turned out someone called and sent us to that house as a prank on them :( but hey its all ok!

 This next week we will be in Thompson and Elder Larson and I are going to go to a Reserve and teach one of their progressing investigators !! in a place called Nelson House so that will be cool.

 Transfers are coming up this next week and we think Elder Sim is going to be leaving, I am excited to see who my new comp is going to be !

 This week as we were tracing... wait let me start off by telling you Elder Sim HATES dogs , He likes nice one just not the mean ones haha. well as we were tracting this big dog comes walking looking at the ground looking for something and I see him "hey elder sim look at this dog' "what where 😱" This dog turned out to be so nice... a little to nice he stared to follow us around for the next little while wanting to play fetch with this BIG BIG stick haha

 well this lots of people tell us what Elders I only call people who are older than me an elder, why do you call your self Elder "it means teacher" ( they dont like that answere) in in 1Timothy 4:12 it says something like let no man despise thy youth, be thou an example of the beliefs. that I don't care how young I am we can all be an example of the Believers

Monday, May 28, 2018

This Week

Hey sorry for my Subjects of these email, I just dont know haha 

So this week we had Thompson Come to Flin Flon. It was cool for them because they have never been here. I went on exchanges with Elder Jensen (there are 2 elder Jensens here in the CWM mission) so Elder Jensen 2.0 haha Elder Junsen has been out for 3 weeks now. So it was a good time! 

So during this exchange Elder Sim and I though that we had planned a Dinner with a member to feed us on wednesday so we showed up... They thought that it was Thursday !! YEEK so anyways we all went to our apartment and I made a FAMILY dinner for us all. It was Hawaiian haystacks and It was just fun to make So much Food! 

(I cant belive it we make all the food, eat and cleaned up before the Hour was over) I thought We were going to be cleaning during the Night haha No we had a fast group !

This week was good though we found some new people that were interested in hearing more about the Church. we are trying to stay in contact with them but every one kinda just vanishes so fast it is Crazy that way.

I also don't really know what to say sometimes. I wish I could tell stories in person because I have lots I just don't know how to wright them down. 

So just a little quote " what would test one person would not necessarily test another."
The world we Live in is More equal that sometimes we like to think it is. Everyone of us will go though our own Trails on our own time in our own way. But something That is ALWAYS the same it the Love that our Heavenly Father has for YOU. 2Nephi 28:32 "Wo be unto the Gentiles, saith the Lord God of Hosts! For notwithstanding I shall lengthen out mine arm unto them from day to day, they will deny me; nevertheless, I will be merciful unto them, saith the Lord God, if they will repent and come unto me; for mine arm is lengthened out all the day long, saith the Lord God of Hosts."

I do Know, For my self, That we are Love. No one on this earth will ever be not loved. Much like a Mother/ Father whose Child does something Wrong. They love them, Disappointed for sure, but loved. The decisions we make here on earth Will Never change the Love. The think that will change is the TRUST that He has in us.

Learn to be Trusted!! 

Went for a Run One Morning