Monday, April 30, 2018

Hi yea

Hi yea is something Elder sim says ALL the time and it is funny. just Hi yea is something he is starting to get me to say. Oh and another one is (so we are moving all of our paper records onto phones so we speak into the phone so it writes faster then I can.) so Elder Sim was always saying "Full stop" and I was think what the heck are you putting full stop and the end of every sentence ? It is a period haha so Now I was teasing him as I was doing it saying FULL STOP FULL STOP all the time. Now it has become something I say now. Hopefully that is something that will wear off before I get home haha...

 So this week was good Ron was able to come to Church again! which is awesome because he is getting Baptised this Saturday! (Ron is such a funny guy he is older and while he was at church He was telling everyone that he was getting baptised and that they should come, it was awesome!) (oh Ron is already in Jacob in the Book of Mormon!)

 So this week we knocked on this guys door Named Derek. Derek is a nice guy and said he would love to have us over so we set up a time for sunday night. latter in the week he said hey do you want to come over for Lunch "I will make you some burgers". Awesome YES. So sunday we go over have a really nice Lunch with him super friendly guy. then he said lets go sit in the living room and talk more about what you believe in.

 Next think we know he pulls out a list of scriptures on how we are WRONG haha all the sudden he goes straight into bashing mone haha it was the Weirdest thing nice lovely lunch with a bash after words, it will be great fun haha. I don't know what he was thinking.

 well at the End of this we got up to leave he said can we say a prayer before you get going? "sure" "please bless these two young men that they can find truth, because they are Lost." haha we got prayer Rebuked haha

 well I know that we have a Loving Heavenly Father, someone who want the best for us, and want us to Grow in this life until we to can become like him. I know that Gods plan for us was NOT confused or messed up by Adam and Eve Partaking of the Fruit, It was ALL part of the Plan. so that Jesus Christ could come to Earth so we can, oneday live with our Heavenly Father oneday again. 2Nephi 2:6-7 says "6 Wherefore, redemption cometh in and through the Holy Messiah; for he is full of grace and truth.7 Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto all those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit; and unto none else can the ends of the law be answered."

 The Book of Mormon is Truth. I do know that anyone who Truly want to come closer to God and Reads the Book of Mormon. It will happen, things in your life will change when you chose to put God First in your life.

 If you don't have a testimony of the Book of Mormon. I would like to Invite you to think to yourself. Have I put God first in my life? Have I read from the Book of Mormon EVERY DAY to take Moroni's Wonderful Promise to Heart. 3 Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts. 4 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.5 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.

 Try it. You will NOT regret! I KNOW this promise to be true because I have done it.

 Thanks you all! May the Lord open the windows of Heaven as you choose to put God First.
We did a mission transfer board haha

Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Well after the Funeral we left to Thompson and we arrived there monday Night at 9 PM, so we could start our exchanges in the Morning and the Next day Also. Thompson and Flin Flon are 2 todoly different Places (Flin Flon --^--^/---*< all sorts of kida terain and Thompson as Explained last time_______ Flat) like when I go there I feel like I am in a fish tank or something haha it really funny way. well that trip took us from monday night to thursday afternoon so We have been out of our area for a little while this week.

We were able to help Nappew, Harold and Nap (the dad) to Church this week by going to their door at 9 am and making sure they are up and ready to go haha they apreachiated that help from us.

Ron Also Came to Church again this week! Ron enjoys Church and really is tring to change his life. It was awesome we asked him about smoking and he said " in 2 hours it will be 2day with our a smoke, I AM GOING TO QUIT" so that was awesome !! we are really excited about Ron !

We also had a lesson with Nappew and Harold, and Nap. yesterday. nappew is 13 years old and Harold is 11 Years old. They want to be baptised Their dad wants them to be baptised so we are doing everything we can to help them. 
They LOVE object lessons everytime we meet with them we do something really fun but this time we had a little object lesson that we were going to do and we were happy with that. As we were pulling basicly into there house I had a clear Promoting and I was kinda funny. I saw my self Playing Rock Paper Scissors. I thought what ??? ok and just started to tell Elder Sim what Prompting I had Just had and that we need to play this game with them. As I was Talking the words came out of my mouth saying we need to Cheat to win. Then together we talked with the spirit to discern what we needed to teach them. 

We were teaching Obedience and why we have rules.  and We talked at first cheating is fun YOU WIN ! but overtime it became NO fun, especially because no one want to play with a cheater  and we talked about following the rules of God makes life better we learn how to become strong and overcome our tiles and We can still have fun playing by the Rules. 

The lesson went awesome! We also taught the Word of Wisdom after that and lets just say They ended up giving Elder Sim and I all of their Ice tea so they can Live the Word of Wisdom!!

This week as Always was full of Miracles  

Moroni 9:15 And now, O all ye that have imagined up unto yourselves a god who can do no miracles, I would ask of you, have all these things passed, of which I have spoken? Has the end come yet? Behold I say unto you, Nay; and God has not ceased to be a God of miracles.

Thanks ! 

I have photos Just tying to send them !

Monday, April 23, 2018

Week of April 9 to the 15

Well this week was good it has been getting warm it is like 5C which is 41F so this means there is people that will go outside like I we just never saw people outside of their houses other then in a store or walking to the Car. But anyways there are some basketball hoops at the street where kids will be playing. "Hey you should come play basketball with us" so we do which is funny.

 This week we had a hard time finding people rides to church. we called everyone we could think of to get people to church. so a miracle we had was we were Trying so hard to be fining rides for our investigators. One named Ron in particular. we had called everyone we could think of and it was saturday Night at 8:45 pm so we called Ron to inform him that we were unable to get him a ride to church this week. BUT He informed us that one of our members turned out (who we had called and they said they could not) they could give him a ride and they stopped by his house to tell him that they were going to be picking him up! so Ron was able to make it to church. So that was awesome!

 Ok so today we have a funeral that we are going to. A member named sister Gray she was in her 90's. and the family was kinda funny, Hey elders could you help set up. Yes forsure. Hey Elders could you come to the funeral? yeah we can you that. Hey elders could you share scriptures at the funeral? yes we can you that. Hey Elders could you usher also. So that is going to be our day today. until 5 pm which we are leaving to Thompson so we can have exchanges. (Thompson is 4 hours away)

 So this morning we got up to plan and said our whole day is planned for us we don't need to plan. haha

 2 Nephi 27:23 For behold, I am God; and I am a God of miracles; and I will show unto the world that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and I work not among the children of men save it be according.

 Have a Good Week!

Zone Conference Week

Well here in Flin Flon Zone Conference is a 3 day event Day one drive 8 1/2 hours to Brandon Day two Zone Conference and interviews ( side note president Craig has already been ordain a member of the seventy so I can say I have been interviewed by a Seventy! haha) then Drive to Dolphin to finish that night. Drive home the next day !

 haha so that was thursday friday and Saturday.

 This week we did a couple of service projects. The first one was moving snow (well they always involve that up here) but No there was SO much snow it is Crazy. (I will send a photo) and what we were doing was digging out a lawn mower and a four wheeler and also just clearing lots of snow where their tractors could not get to.

 another think we did was there was Ice on the steps that was melting and it was flooding Gordy's (a member) front door well we tried to use shovels to move the ice but it was not working so hatchets worked best ! (I will send some videos of that)

 Other then that we did not do a hole lot.

 everyone we had pland and made rides so they could come to church was not able to make it. one forgot and when he say the car pull up (he is like 70 years old) tried to get all ready but they left before he come to the door. He called and told us the :( That was Ron

 there was also a fishing derby this week so people did not want to come to church. Nappew and Harold did not come to church so we had to Drop their baptismal date :(

Monday, April 2, 2018


Who this week was Fast ! Conference was just awesome or what !?!? so for us Elder Sim and I were getting the Church all ready for Conference, we got the projector out. made everything just perfect.......... Well Everyone watched it at home. So Elder Sim and I had the whole Church to ourselves watching it a projector and everything ! so that was funny.  another Cool Thing that happened during Conference that most all of you did not realise but one of the New Area Seventy is my mission President John N Craig ! so that was really cool For all of  the CAN WIN Missionaries here (oh CANada WINnipeg Mission) (kinda cool side note)  !! 

This week we were able to meet with a family with 2 boys that are preparing for Baptism on April 21, Nappew and Harold. Hey are cool and fun to teach... they are 11 and 13 so they have an attention span of kids so Elder Sim and I made up this game that we were shooting balls into a trash can and it make for an awesome lesson because they stayed interested the hole time !( the lesson was on the Plan of Salvation) 

Elder Sim and I are doing great together. (we are not finding new people :( but we are teaching well with the investigators we already have had and Helping them Progress.)

We also have been meeting with his guy named Ron, Ron is just an old guy who let the missionaries in the door the first long while because he lives alone and wanted people to talk to. (he told us that haha)  But Now he is reading the Book of Mormon and He wanted to come to church this week, So we were able to get him a ride ! so that was awesome ! 

Anyways this next week is going to be fast for us because we have Zone Conference (must of the time that is just a day event BUT we are 8 hours away form were Zone Conference is so we will drive one day have conference and then Drive home the Next... Long drive do not phase me anymore haha 

Thanks for thinking of me.

Hope you had a great easter. 

2 Nephi 2: 2-7  6 Wherefore, redemption cometh in and through the Holy Messiah; for he is full of grace and truth. 7 Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto all those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit; and unto none else can the ends of the law be answered.

Claudio D. Zivic talked about Making and Then Keeping Sacred Covenants. Think to yourself what ordnance am I missing. Then  strive to do it ! If you have them all or have to wait for the Next one. How can I strengthen my faith Right now. ( Partaking of the sacrament weekly.
with a "broken heart and a contrite spirit" ) or going to the temple ! (oh how I miss the temple)

Until Next week ! 
Yes everything on the Chalkboard makes sense to us🤔 !  

Hey All

Well This week was not a lot happened. Because Elder Craven and Elder Fox (a Thompson Elder) had to drive to winnipeg so This week I drive to Thompson and spent a 2 days up there as we were waiting for our comps to make it back up here... If you think Flin Flon is up on the map wow is even more North haha 

Thompson is SO cold.. Here in Flin Flon we have Hills and the hole city is kinda rolly so no wind really to bad... Thompson is FLAT like _______________ the wind kinda just eats into you... It has been warming up so I did not take any of my warm stuff there.. Bad choice haha 

Elder Sim is From Alberta Canada "Calgary" to be more precise. and He his Family is From england  so he has a english accent which is fun because everyone at the door kinda is shocked to here him talk !

He is so much fun to be around I am excited for this Transfer with Him !

Sorry it is SOO short I really dont have anything else to say. 

Well thanks for all the Prayers !

Went for a Run One Morning