Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Well after the Funeral we left to Thompson and we arrived there monday Night at 9 PM, so we could start our exchanges in the Morning and the Next day Also. Thompson and Flin Flon are 2 todoly different Places (Flin Flon --^--^/---*< all sorts of kida terain and Thompson as Explained last time_______ Flat) like when I go there I feel like I am in a fish tank or something haha it really funny way. well that trip took us from monday night to thursday afternoon so We have been out of our area for a little while this week.

We were able to help Nappew, Harold and Nap (the dad) to Church this week by going to their door at 9 am and making sure they are up and ready to go haha they apreachiated that help from us.

Ron Also Came to Church again this week! Ron enjoys Church and really is tring to change his life. It was awesome we asked him about smoking and he said " in 2 hours it will be 2day with our a smoke, I AM GOING TO QUIT" so that was awesome !! we are really excited about Ron !

We also had a lesson with Nappew and Harold, and Nap. yesterday. nappew is 13 years old and Harold is 11 Years old. They want to be baptised Their dad wants them to be baptised so we are doing everything we can to help them. 
They LOVE object lessons everytime we meet with them we do something really fun but this time we had a little object lesson that we were going to do and we were happy with that. As we were pulling basicly into there house I had a clear Promoting and I was kinda funny. I saw my self Playing Rock Paper Scissors. I thought what ??? ok and just started to tell Elder Sim what Prompting I had Just had and that we need to play this game with them. As I was Talking the words came out of my mouth saying we need to Cheat to win. Then together we talked with the spirit to discern what we needed to teach them. 

We were teaching Obedience and why we have rules.  and We talked at first cheating is fun YOU WIN ! but overtime it became NO fun, especially because no one want to play with a cheater  and we talked about following the rules of God makes life better we learn how to become strong and overcome our tiles and We can still have fun playing by the Rules. 

The lesson went awesome! We also taught the Word of Wisdom after that and lets just say They ended up giving Elder Sim and I all of their Ice tea so they can Live the Word of Wisdom!!

This week as Always was full of Miracles  

Moroni 9:15 And now, O all ye that have imagined up unto yourselves a god who can do no miracles, I would ask of you, have all these things passed, of which I have spoken? Has the end come yet? Behold I say unto you, Nay; and God has not ceased to be a God of miracles.

Thanks ! 

I have photos Just tying to send them !

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Went for a Run One Morning