Monday, April 2, 2018


Who this week was Fast ! Conference was just awesome or what !?!? so for us Elder Sim and I were getting the Church all ready for Conference, we got the projector out. made everything just perfect.......... Well Everyone watched it at home. So Elder Sim and I had the whole Church to ourselves watching it a projector and everything ! so that was funny.  another Cool Thing that happened during Conference that most all of you did not realise but one of the New Area Seventy is my mission President John N Craig ! so that was really cool For all of  the CAN WIN Missionaries here (oh CANada WINnipeg Mission) (kinda cool side note)  !! 

This week we were able to meet with a family with 2 boys that are preparing for Baptism on April 21, Nappew and Harold. Hey are cool and fun to teach... they are 11 and 13 so they have an attention span of kids so Elder Sim and I made up this game that we were shooting balls into a trash can and it make for an awesome lesson because they stayed interested the hole time !( the lesson was on the Plan of Salvation) 

Elder Sim and I are doing great together. (we are not finding new people :( but we are teaching well with the investigators we already have had and Helping them Progress.)

We also have been meeting with his guy named Ron, Ron is just an old guy who let the missionaries in the door the first long while because he lives alone and wanted people to talk to. (he told us that haha)  But Now he is reading the Book of Mormon and He wanted to come to church this week, So we were able to get him a ride ! so that was awesome ! 

Anyways this next week is going to be fast for us because we have Zone Conference (must of the time that is just a day event BUT we are 8 hours away form were Zone Conference is so we will drive one day have conference and then Drive home the Next... Long drive do not phase me anymore haha 

Thanks for thinking of me.

Hope you had a great easter. 

2 Nephi 2: 2-7  6 Wherefore, redemption cometh in and through the Holy Messiah; for he is full of grace and truth. 7 Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto all those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit; and unto none else can the ends of the law be answered.

Claudio D. Zivic talked about Making and Then Keeping Sacred Covenants. Think to yourself what ordnance am I missing. Then  strive to do it ! If you have them all or have to wait for the Next one. How can I strengthen my faith Right now. ( Partaking of the sacrament weekly.
with a "broken heart and a contrite spirit" ) or going to the temple ! (oh how I miss the temple)

Until Next week ! 
Yes everything on the Chalkboard makes sense to us🤔 !  

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Went for a Run One Morning