Monday, April 23, 2018

Zone Conference Week

Well here in Flin Flon Zone Conference is a 3 day event Day one drive 8 1/2 hours to Brandon Day two Zone Conference and interviews ( side note president Craig has already been ordain a member of the seventy so I can say I have been interviewed by a Seventy! haha) then Drive to Dolphin to finish that night. Drive home the next day !

 haha so that was thursday friday and Saturday.

 This week we did a couple of service projects. The first one was moving snow (well they always involve that up here) but No there was SO much snow it is Crazy. (I will send a photo) and what we were doing was digging out a lawn mower and a four wheeler and also just clearing lots of snow where their tractors could not get to.

 another think we did was there was Ice on the steps that was melting and it was flooding Gordy's (a member) front door well we tried to use shovels to move the ice but it was not working so hatchets worked best ! (I will send some videos of that)

 Other then that we did not do a hole lot.

 everyone we had pland and made rides so they could come to church was not able to make it. one forgot and when he say the car pull up (he is like 70 years old) tried to get all ready but they left before he come to the door. He called and told us the :( That was Ron

 there was also a fishing derby this week so people did not want to come to church. Nappew and Harold did not come to church so we had to Drop their baptismal date :(

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Went for a Run One Morning